“All of the Above” -- PFT Addresses Resource Adequacy Challenges in Virginia and South Carolina
“Resource adequacy”, or the concern that there are insufficient energy sources to produce enough electricity to meet demands, is a growing problem across the nation. In Virginia and South Carolina, this challenge stems from the growth of data centers operating in those states. Combine this with energy demands of artificial intelligence and electric vehicles, and there needs to be sensible, long-term planning to ensure that residents and businesses in those states have access to reliable, affordable and increasingly clean electricity. To achieve these goals, PFT is urging lawmakers in Virginia and South Carolina to adopt an “all of the above” policy that (from the letters): “promotes the construction and implementation of a diverse mix of power generation sources. This approach does not prioritize one energy source over another but rather, focuses on reliability, efficiency, and meeting the growing demand.”
The letter concluded: “Bipartisan collaboration will be essential to addressing these challenges. Reaching consensus on strategies to expand energy capacity, adopt a balanced energy approach, and ensure a stable, reliable power supply will be crucial to our future.”
Click here to read the letter to lawmakers in Virginia.
Click here to read the letter to lawmakers in South Carolina.