Meltz in the Virginia Pilot: Deregulation would mean higher power bills for Virginians ChrisDecember 10, 2022batch1
Meltz in The Opinion Pages: If the Power Company is a Monopoly, Then Electric “Competition” is a Scam ChrisJune 10, 2022batch1
PFT’s Ed Hirs in the Washington Post: A summer of blackouts? Wheezing power grid leaves states at risk. ChrisJune 2, 2022batch1
PFT Expert Hirs in Barron’s: Deregulated U.S. Energy Markets Are Set for a Tough Summer ChrisMay 31, 2022batch1
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Meltz Asks if Lubbock will have buyer's remorse of ERCOT? ChrisMarch 4, 2022batch1
WDBJ: Power for Tomorrow thanks Virginia legislators for sensible energy regulations ChrisJanuary 17, 2022batch1
Fairfax County Times: Meltz says Competitive supply means higher electric bills for Virginians ChrisDecember 22, 2021batch1
Meltz in Virginia Mercury: Electric deregulation backers overpromise, ignore ugly truths ChrisDecember 13, 2021batch1
Meltz in Inside Sources: Electric “Competition” Is Code for Higher Power Bills ChrisNovember 4, 2021batch1
Meltz in Connecticut Mirror: End Connecticut’s disastrous ‘competitive’ electric market ChrisSeptember 22, 2021batch1
Meltz in New Orleans Advocate: Retail competition to Entergy would be mistake for New Orleans ChrisSeptember 22, 2021batch1
Guest columnist Gary Meltz in Greenfield Recorder: Why pay more for electricity ChrisAugust 22, 2021batch1
PFT Expert Ed Hirs in Wall Street Journal: Are Power Companies Playing Texas Hold’em? ChrisJuly 5, 2021batch1
Ex-state utility regulators caution FERC against upending voluntary RTO regime ChrisJune 28, 2021batch1